Dyslexia is a phonological disorder that impacts an individual's reading and writing abilities. It is a condition that can affect people from diverse backgrounds and intellectual levels. Dyslexia is more than just confusing or rearranging numbers and letters; it is actually a language disorder. Individuals with dyslexia may find it challenging to read smoothly, and some may benefit from having someone read aloud to them or receiving additional time. Despite the potential difficulty in reading or processing information, individuals with dyslexia often possess quick thinking and creativity.
According to austinlearningsolutions.org, dyslexia remains significantly under-diagnosed, with only two million out of more than 40 million dyslexic Americans being aware of their condition. It is important to note that having dyslexia does not indicate a lack of intelligence. With the aid of appropriate interventions and tutoring, dyslexia can be effectively addressed and managed.